Saturday, September 30, 2006

Kudos to Waits!

Waits reported to the list today that he had a great long run of almost 25 miles. First, I'll admit right out, I am jealous! That 23 mile goal is really a high bar, IMHO. That Waits has done it, and did it strongly, deserves a hooray from all of us OBXers! Way to go Waits!

I plan to do my 23 mile run this coming Friday, if the weather lends itself. We arrive in Honolulu Tuesday. I want to do a regular old training run my first morning on Oahu. I hope to be revved up for a Friday long, long effort. I spent yesterday evening mapping out a route from our hotel that I hope works well. I wrote out a specific directional cue sheet to help me not get lost!

I'll report in Friday afternoon!


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