Salem lake 10k/30k race report
It was a beautiful morning for a race and there were tons of racers at Salem Lake. Erik and I started off on the 30K route at 8 am and Karen took off on the 10K route a half hour later.
For me, it was a tough race today. I did my 8/2 Galloway plan and it was the first time I could see how well it can work. People would pass me as I walked, but as soon as I started running again, I would breeze by them. That may be why I did the first half of the race at a faster pace than usual. I hit the halfway mark at 1 hr. 40 minutes and stayed under an 11 minute mile for the first half of the race. However, I made a few mistakes - I left my sport beans in the car over 1/2 mile from the race start. The rest stations only had water/gatorade, so I went the entire race on my bowl of oatmeal at 6 am. The most stupid thing I did was embarassing to admit for a professional IT type person. I didn't check my mp3 battery, and it went dead 5 miles into the race. That meant I had to listen to me in my head for over 13 miles, and it wasn't a motivational conversation..... I kept passing people until about the 13 mile mark and then I slowed down so much, I don't think I passed hardly anyone the rest of the route :-(
I ended up doing the race in 3 hrs. 31 minutes, which shows I bonked on the second half of the race. Erik did the race in 2 hrs 20 min (correct me if I'm wrong). Karen did the 10K in 1 hr. 12 minutes.
We all feel that participating today was really good for our training, if not for specific accomplishments today.
But, it showed me I have alot of work to do before Nov.
For me, it was a tough race today. I did my 8/2 Galloway plan and it was the first time I could see how well it can work. People would pass me as I walked, but as soon as I started running again, I would breeze by them. That may be why I did the first half of the race at a faster pace than usual. I hit the halfway mark at 1 hr. 40 minutes and stayed under an 11 minute mile for the first half of the race. However, I made a few mistakes - I left my sport beans in the car over 1/2 mile from the race start. The rest stations only had water/gatorade, so I went the entire race on my bowl of oatmeal at 6 am. The most stupid thing I did was embarassing to admit for a professional IT type person. I didn't check my mp3 battery, and it went dead 5 miles into the race. That meant I had to listen to me in my head for over 13 miles, and it wasn't a motivational conversation..... I kept passing people until about the 13 mile mark and then I slowed down so much, I don't think I passed hardly anyone the rest of the route :-(
I ended up doing the race in 3 hrs. 31 minutes, which shows I bonked on the second half of the race. Erik did the race in 2 hrs 20 min (correct me if I'm wrong). Karen did the 10K in 1 hr. 12 minutes.
We all feel that participating today was really good for our training, if not for specific accomplishments today.
But, it showed me I have alot of work to do before Nov.
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