Thursday, January 03, 2008

WakeOBX is seeking new members

Hi all & welcome to 2008. . ..As many of you know, several people in the libray belong to WakeOBX- the ZSR libray fitness club.  WakeOBX exists to support the fitness goals of anyone who wants to join.  If you are looking for a group to get fit with, want to participate in a race, or just want to hang out with possibly the coolest group of people at the university, come on. . .
WakeOBX has a blog ( & listserv ( which you are welcome to join.
With the new year comes resolutions, training & race planning. The inagural meeting of WakeOBX2008 will be this friday night at 5:30pm at foothills brewery.  Anyone who is interested is invited to come & share their fitness goals for 2008.   We have talked about short & long distance running/walking events, triathlons, and bike rides. 
See you there!


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