Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hello OBXers! Ready to Train?

OK, we had some chatter about a Dec. 8 marathon at Kiawah way back when. I think that Billy O'Banks is the only member of last years OBXers to make a real commitment to the race so far (ie, plunking down the registration and reserving a hotel room). I hear from Craig that Billy has been spotted out training on the roads around Lewisville recently.

My excuse has been my foot injury and I just got the news from the doc today that I have to wear the cast for one more week. But within 1 week or two AFTER that, he has given me his blessing to start "jogging" again. So I am thinking that (and the doc concurs) that I could feasibly shoot for a half marathon in early Dec. Now, Kiawah has that option: marathon/half marathon. You know that it will kill my self esteem to have to "half step" the race, but 1/2 of a marathon is 13.1 miles further than I'm able to do now!

Erik mentions another race available that week that has both a marathon and a half: Charlotte's Thunder Road ( I would be game for either, although I would lean toward Kiawah because I hate to think of Billy out all by himeself with no cheering crowd :-(. But, are there even any hotel rooms left?

Carolyn M. was just saying this week that she misses the camraderie of the training and the working together to train. Summer heat is almost over and fall training for a Dec. race might be very nice.

So, are any of you OBXers game to make a commitment?


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