Thursday, August 31, 2006

Foot sweat

An interesting post in my Fleet Feet newsletter:

Top 5 Reasons to Wear Non-Cotton Socks

* At rest, the average foot releases 1/4 cup of sweat each day.
* On a 5 mile run, your feet produce enough sweat to fill an 8oz. glass.
* 55% of foot perspiration evaporates through the shoe's upper. The other 45% is absorbed in the sock and footbed.
* Two trillion bacteria live on your feet (that's 12% of all bacteria in the human body).
* The naked foot temperature is approximately 94 degrees. The non-active foot in a shoe is 105-125 degrees. This temperature increases with activity level.

So, Waits, there's our answer as to why we end our runs in sopping wet shoes :-)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fatigue Factor

The past two weeks, I've done long runs of 12 and 13 miles. After each run and into the following day, I've been pooped! These runs represent the longest runs I've done....ever. I've gone from running 8-9 miles a week for as long as I can remember, to running 24 miles this week-a significant increase. I'm wondering about the tiredness though and if anyone has experiences or strategies to suggest. My only strategy so far has been to avoid my 2nd daily workout.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A new run plotter tool

Try out this site:

I actually found where someone plotted a 3 miles route right through my neighborhood.

Oh, p.s. in case someone might be wondering why I am playing around with this during office hours, I have been researching "mashups" for LIB100 :-)

This morning's 7 mile route

Our early morning run/walk training sessions continued this morning as Carolyn, Ron, Wanda, Waits, Craig, Erik and I met at the ungodly hour of 6 am. It is now still very dark at that time! We decided to reverse last week's route and add a mile by going into Woodbury Road.

I think everyone had a good run/walk, I guess we'll hear about it this afternoon

Monday, August 14, 2006

Tuesday Morning Walk/Run

So I hear we have a group training session tuesday morning?! Glad to hear so much banter about it on the list. . . . Tuesday morning training walk/run! 6Miles. . .Here is our route!

6 am, at the back door (ready to walk). The route takes us down Gulley Drive towards Reynolds Gym and then around the quad before we head towards the admission house. Before getting there, turn right on Allen Easly Dr and go all the way to polo dorm & back. Turn right and head out the main gate. Turn right onto Reynolda (Imagine the bridge at mile 21/10.5!). At the top of Reynolda, turn right onto Polo, then right on University and right into the University gate of WFU. Take WF rd until it meets Wingate, then right on Wingate to Faculy drive and out our favorite Fac drive loop. Head back in Fac dr back to the library 6.2 miles (10K).

Looking forward to it, only 14 weeks to go! Bring your best shoes & stories!

Jeff Galloway's book

While browsing at Borders over the weekend I came across Marathon: You Can Do It! by our run/walk guy Jeff Galloway.

What I've read so far has me sold on continuing on the run/walk path. He also is big on the value of training groups so we're doing that right, even tho we don't all exercise together, we have the motivation bit going.

He really focuses on the importance of the long run. Its total purpose is to build the endurance you need for race day and he gives detailed advice on how to increase it successfully. He stresses that speed on these runs works against you in the long run. He says "You can't run too slowly on the long runs."

There is also a chapter with 6 different training plans, different ones if you have specific race time goals. So Erik (who is the only one I know in our group who is aiming for a specific time) could use the training plan for the 3:15 time goal marathon.

Anyway, I'll bring the book to tomorrow's meeting to show and tell!

P.S. Ron wants to know if anyone is planning a morning walk this week? And wants to see who would want to start at 6am and do 6 miles?

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Counting to 26

couple tricks, for whatever they're worth.

1) hypnotize yourself into thinking:
  • 26 miles = 1 mile
  • 1 mile = 4 laps
  • 1 lap = 6-7 miles

since 26 miles is too much to think about, really, you gotta chunk it up into sections, and since everyone's used to running 4 laps around the track to make one mile, the idea is to imagine yourself running one (very, very long) mile instead.

so, if you pick a 6 (or 7) mile loop from your house, or use the loop around salem lake (which is perfect for the purposes of this exercise), you have to think to yourself the whole way through the first loop that, yeah, you're tired, and want to quit, but you're only in the first lap, and you gotta be able to finish at least one stinkin' lap so you tough it out and then on longer days when you do two such loops, the whole time through the first loop you're thinking that you can't quit because you've got another loop to go and then during the second loop reminding yourself that, yeah, you're tired, but you're still only doing two laps and everyone can run at least a half-mile and then on those few really long days (like 18 or 20 or 22 miles) you do the loop three times and still you're saying to yourself at least you don't have to do the whole mile today so that when marathon day comes you can say to yourself in that last fourth of the route, yeah, you're tired, and want to quit, but you've only got one little lap to to go.

b) get a mantra. like, say, the "hail mary". unbelievable how the cadence of that can coincide with your steps and breathing:

  • hail mary, exhale
  • full of grace, exhale
  • the lord is with thee, exhale
  • and blessed is the fruit, exhale
  • of thy womb jesus, exhale
  • holy mary, exhale
  • mother of god, exhale
  • pray for us sinners, exhale
  • now and at the hour, exhale
  • of our death amen, exhale

could say like a million rosaries thus in the last four miles, making up for all those times you were goofing off in your parochial school daze, and rendering moot that you blew off church and went to salem lake instead. plus which, that last line about the hour death becomes ironic seeing as how you've got a long way to go yet, and in any case you are currently lucky enough to be strong like bull.

alternatively, you could use that catchy white stripes song, "now mary":

  • now mary, exhale
  • can't you find a way, exhale
  • to bring me down?, exhale
  • i'm so sorry exhale,
  • that I had to go, exhale
  • and let you down, exhale
  • sumpin' sumpin' sumpin', exhale
  • what a season, exhale
  • to be beautiful, exhale
  • without a reason, exhale

a post-modern prayer -- "what a season to be beautiful without a reason" -- it's uplifting, inane, and maddeningly repeatable.

three) otherwise, you could likewise use a list -- like, say, the presidents of the united states in reverse chronological order, or the pittsburgh pirates starting line-up during their last world series season, or the periodic table -- and saying same (to yourself, of course) towards the end of each "lap" will help pass the time, is all, such that you don't focus on your wet clothes or emerging poison ivy or mild leg cramp or dull headache or declining speed or impending rainstorm or the unmowed lawn or unfed children/pets.

iv) don't forget: is your friend.


Susan's Sunday Run

Reporting in since I will miss this week's marathon meeting!

Today I was scheduled for 7 miles. Since I have been under the weather for the past two days and even missed a much anticipated donut day bike trip yesterday, I decided to go for at least 8 miles this morning. I lounged around until 9:30 and then took a 8.4 mile route from home down into Buena Vista:

I decided to try to stay running the entire time, and I managed it, but felt much more beat than I did after the run/walk 13 mile run last weekend. Don't know whether to attribute that to being ill or because run/walk is superior. I will go back to it for my next long run which is due to be 15 miles, my longest run ever. But I averaged an 11:25 min/mile. And it was hot and humid, even though the thermometer only says it's 81 with a 60% humidity. Go figure.

For a little travel excitement, I may just try to accomplish that 15 mile run while in Ottawa, maybe figure a variation on this 8k route:

Well, Ron and I are heading out to case out Dick's Sporting Goods. I really need to find some seamless shirts (ouch today).
Good morning WakeOBX! I hit Asheville yesterday and got my 14 mile run done in the morning before visiting the black cat festvial. Here is my route - It is not the prettiest route but the northwest corner of the city had a nice neighborhood and I enjoyed looping through downtown. I ditched the run/walk idea for today since I was essentially doing a 'tourist run' and just wanted to ramble around the city. This morning was supposed to be the followup but after sleeping in I just don't think that it is going to happen.