Saturday, January 27, 2007

Race Season 2007

Lets get it straight - put on a few pounds in the last Week! - Kiawah would be an excellent venue, nice and fast too. . .That puts the Grandfather Mountain Marathon in the mix for anyone who is interested (july)- prettiest race you will ever run!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Let's Plan!

Hi everyone,
I am sure all of you are starting to think hard about what the next "big" event is for our group in 2007. We've thrown out the idea of Marine Corps marathon, but it doesn't include a half marathon option. I got a suggestion today to consider the Kiawah marathon/half that takes place Dec. 8. I've heard good things about this race; my daughter-in-law did the half a few years ago.

I admit, I'm trying to schedule a marathon that will fit with my plan to do a half ironman in Sept. I need sufficient time to recover and train for the marathon; that makes the Oct./Nov marathon a tad too early for these old muscles.

On another note: who is interested in a spring half marathon? I'm looking to do a repeat appearance in the Charlotte Racefest. It will be held on April 14. It has both a half marathon and a 10k race, so that might be good for most in our group as an early season race. Plus it would be an easy Sat. morning drive down, run the race, and go shopping at Southpark (right where the race begins and ends). I did the half last year and it was a very well run event.

So, no pressure, just throwing out some options to consider. If you are like me, you have been wallowing in your off season and have put on a few lbs. over the past month! It's time to gear up and commit to an event that will jump start your dedication to get your training going!